Friday, October 31, 2008

Another Massage... Please?

I recently came across an interesting concept in my Urban Design class... a concept brought to the world by Archigram, an "avant-garde" architectural group formed in the 1960's. Archigram was futurist, anti-heroic and pro-consumerist, working mostly in hypothetical drawings. These projects dealt with the new possibilities that technology had to offer. I'm not entirely clear as to who was influenced first by technology and its new role in our lives, but Archigram closely follows the same theories of McLuhan in "The Medium is the Massage."

My favorite project is that of the walking city. 

Like the internet (or television, as McLuhan and Archigram were no doubt thinking of), one can just "plug in" the city in any random geological site! It's brilliant really, aside from the fact that civilization would perpetuate the idea of Disposable. On the bright side, it could eliminate the need for travel by plane! Think of all the fossil fuel you would save!

Actually, I suppose on a smaller scale, trailer homes are a lot like this. Maybe trailer homes are cooler than I thought.........

*some of the drawings from Archigram might look familiar; they make an appearance on the opening clips of Monty Python's Flying Circus

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