Tuesday, May 12, 2009

An Exploration in Production and Consumption

Yes, it's kindof trendy to be 'green' right now, but this website, though it may just be rephrasing things said in Bill McDonnough's "Cradle to Cradle," or Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," still makes a good point in a unique way. A short 20-minute video presentation narrated by Annie Leonard, this video is entirely animated diagrams. Not only does this "blank" format allow people to identify with the presentation much like people identify with cartoons, but the creative use of such diagrams allows the pace of the video to maintain its fast and informative pace.


Additionally, if you are interested in furthering you understanding of where the products you buy are manufactured, artist Natalie Jeremijenko has started a project called "How Stuff is Made." The format is much like a wiki in that the users are typically the ones inputing the information. It's a very interesting and different approach to getting the same message out!


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