Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dignity Village

I just submitted this short video to SMIBE (Society for Moving Images of the Built Environment) for their first annual competition. The competition was centered around addressing architectural issues through telling the story of a place. My point was to show how Portland has allowed a small group of people to meet their needs by acquiring and adapting a small piece of land by the airport... also known as 'squatting.' Yay for urban adaptability!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's not technically cheap if it's free...

So, in case you haven't checked it out, you should.

It's always full of great information regarding cheap activities in the city... proof that you don't have to spend a fortune to have a blast in Portland! The most recent post leads you to a fantastic site: a site that lists possibly everything you can get for free in this blessed city (which was my 'research' project this last summer... hehe).

Monday, January 19, 2009

LDS YSA Activities Director

I was asked yesterday to be the "Young Single Adult" activities director (I'm Mormon, btw)... a job that is dreaded by those who are wise. "Why," you might ask? Elna Baker sums it up best in the following skit:

Maybe instead of having to plan-out these painfully awkward social events, I can get the job of making the tickets and fliers...

Your "Final Act"

An interesting article in the new Spaces issue: how to have an environmentally correct funeral.

It seems obvious that a conventional burial may not be the 'greenest' option. However, cremation, though it saves space and can be done energy-efficiently, is also responsible for a large percentage of atmospheric mercury emissions (thanks to dental fillings). The most fashion-forward eco-repository on the market would be the Arka Ecopod, which is made from recycled paper and sports custom silkscreen images...

... a little something to look forward to, I guess?