Monday, January 19, 2009

LDS YSA Activities Director

I was asked yesterday to be the "Young Single Adult" activities director (I'm Mormon, btw)... a job that is dreaded by those who are wise. "Why," you might ask? Elna Baker sums it up best in the following skit:

Maybe instead of having to plan-out these painfully awkward social events, I can get the job of making the tickets and fliers...


James said...

Poor Ally. From door-stander lady to activity-maker lady is quite a change, but you'll be fine. Like the video so quaintly put it, just make up dumb rhymes about food and talking and you'll get tons of people to the activities.

Me said...

SO GOOD. i know a couple people who know her and this story had actually come up a couple times but i hadnt seen it yet. ohhhhh. i was on activities commitee once and i asked to quit. yay for aliteration :)