Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to go cross-eyed:

I never thought this would be a useful talent, so I never developed it. However, after recently working with stereographic photos, I have been told you can shave off minutes of wasted time by simply crossing one's eyes (to check your work as you go along). Apparently this technique has a name: "cross eyed viewing method." Somewhat self explanatory, I know... but here's another description in case you were wondering:

"A method of free-viewing stereo pairs where the left eye image is placed on the right side of a stereo pair and the right eye image is placed on the left side. It is generally believed to be easier to learn than the parallel method and can be done with substantially larger images. However, it cannot be used on most stereo cards since they are printed in parallel format."

Too bad I'm horrible at crossing my eyes! Maybe there's a youtube instruction video on it...

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