Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mii and the Wii

I'm home for the Thanksgiving Holiday, and upon my arrival, I was almost immediately challenged by my dad to a battle on Mario Kart. 

I hope I never have to play Wii to save my life.

Uh, anyway... my new goal in life (when I have a little more free time) is to not be lapped multiple times by the stupid automated characters on that game. And someday I will rise triumphant and win against my own dad, who just turned 59 and can barely use the computer!! I mean, I thought games like this were targeted towards younger people!? Sadly, I think that in the next few hours, I will be defeated again by my 9-year-old nephew.  

While we're on the topic of the Wii, I just want to say that I am impressed with the marketing strategies of this particular product. It's not only a good and aesthetically pleasing design, but the value attached to it continually grows due to the limited production of it (vs. it's high demand). So, rather than having to create a newer model for the next year, Nintendo maintains interest with this perceived rarity.

Sadly, I don't think this lesson can carry over to my architectural practice in the future. *sigh*

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